Page name: Kura's Color Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-03-06 00:03:13
Last author: Morningstar Rising
Owner: Kuramasgirl
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Kura's Color Contest


Let's see if we can start this contest up again. Not much has changed, but I think the hiatus has lasted long enough, don't you? Anyway, for those who are new, the whole idea of this contest is to create something according to a specific color that I will choose. Could be anything. Yellow, violet, aquamarine, lilac, crimson, black, etc. Anyway, it'll be some sort of color. Now for your part of the bargain. You have to draw or take a picture of something that is all or mostly that color. But remember, that color must be the focus of your art, whatever it may be. Oh, and make sure to read through all the rules and stuff carefully. Wouldn't want something lovely to be disqualified for a stupid reason, now would we?

So have fun! Get creative! And for goodness' sakes, follow these rules!:

1.) Do NOT steal artwork and then claim it as your own, putting it on this contest. You will be kicked out.
2.) Follow the Uploading Art Rules. It's just as simple as that.
3.) Follow the THEME of the contest. Anything that doesn't pertain to the contest will be disqualified.
4.) I will post the color of the month (or whatever time it takes to get enough entries) below this in big bold letters. If you can't see it, then I suggest an optometrist. :P
5.) There's a limit of three entries per person on any particular color.
6.) Please don't put "Vote for me!" in your mood. That irritates me a great deal, and you really do not want to irritate me. Read the next rule to find out why.
7.) There will be two winners: A People's Choice Winner and an Owner's Choice Winner. The People's Choice Winner is the entry that won the poll. An Owner's Choice Winner is the entry that I like best. Each person will receive a badge, which I have shown below the rules.
8.) Post your username and any other comment you'd like to make above your picture.
9.) Have fun! I don't want to make this too serious, because that would completely defeat my purpose ^_^;
10.) Click on the images to make them bigger and see them in all their amazingness!
11.) It is all right to have photographs, but make sure that they are not just colored over with the color of the contest. Any photo that's been colored in Photoshop or another art program so that it's the right color will be deleted.
12.) Questions? Ask me! I'm [Kuramasgirl] <3

Colors that have been used: blue, red, green, black, purple, orange, pink, yellow and grey, russet, white, teal, purple and green, gold, pearl, ROYGB(I)V, lavender, and turquoise.

To see a complete archive of all of the previous contest entries, go to The Contest's Color Archives!

The Color:


Deadline- Undetermined

Place entries below:

1. Escape from the silver cage- [Zab]


2. Silver In The Stardust - [Nioniel]

Silver In The Stardust Stock INFO

3. Black Silver Dapple Makes A Splash - [Nioniel]


4. Silver Lemurs - [pegasus1000]


5. Aodh To Silver - [moira hawthorne]


6.A Mixture Of Silver - [Morningstar Rising]



This page was a Featured Wiki!

Username (or number or email):


2009-01-05 [Iske]: congrats to the winners

2009-01-05 [arthemis_]: Oeehh Gold is difficult! I'm looking forward to GOLD!

2009-01-05 [Kuramasgirl]: XD That one made me laugh. I was very tempted.

2009-01-06 [Iske]: SO gold it is then????? I have no idea how to do it tho but it is a challenge...

2009-01-06 [Jitter]: golden is usually acquired by shading with a mix of shades of brown, orange, yellow and white :)

2009-01-06 [Iske]: thx for the information [Jitter]

2009-01-06 [Jitter]: You're welcome :) It's even easier if you use digital media

I usually use reference to paint golden though

2009-01-06 [Triola]: Henning Ludvigsen <3

2009-01-06 [Jitter]: Aye ^^

2009-01-07 [Kuramasgirl]: Great information, Jitter! Thanks for putting it up here. I'm sure others will find it helpful too. :) Heck, I'll even be using that tip...

So yeah, gold's the next color. I'll put it up officially in a few days (when I actually have such a thing called "time"), but in the meantime it wouldn't hurt to get started. :) Good luck!

2009-01-08 [Jitter]: You're welcome ^^

Hmm if golden it is then I should get cracking!

2009-01-12 [Lady Ice]: ack!! My Photoshop just died and I can't reinstall it because my CD ROM drive doesnt work!

2009-01-12 [Kuramasgirl]: D: Noooo!

How did it die? o.o;

2009-01-12 [Atayemi]: I broke my media teacher's CD drive of her laptop because I tried to catch a Malteser in my mouth but it fell into her laptop bag and got jammed in it. It sounds completely fake I know, but it honestly happened. o_o" XD

2009-01-12 [Kuramasgirl]: That's insane. xD And sounds like something that would happen to me, knowing my luck around anything technology oriented.

2009-01-13 [Atayemi]: Lol, I know. o_o" It's typical how such a small piece of chocolate can do so much damage.

2009-01-15 [Kuramasgirl]: Ah, thank you Artsie! I was hoping to figure out a deadline before contacting you, but that date should be fine for now. :) Thanks again!

2009-01-16 [Kuramasgirl]: Alright, I'll get to you with the deadline just as soon as I have an entry up there. xD I'm hoping that'll give me some idea of how long people will take to make these entries...

2009-01-17 [Jitter]: I would have one already but I got a crazy virus on the lappy yesterday @_@

2009-01-17 [Kuramasgirl]: o.o Ooh, that doesn't sound good. I had one of those not long ago, actually. Scared me half to death.

2009-01-17 [Jitter]: Same here, cause I didn't have a backup of my PSD and my son's pictures @_@ Honestly, been fiddling with PCs since I was 13 but it was the first time I saw something like this:

Windows failed to start, Vista failed to repair, I did something totally antiIT and wiped off one of the partitions and installed cracked XP to run it. Now After 24 hours I managed to make it connect to the internet, downloaded sound drivers and video codecs and I am Downloading a vista iso since toshiba didn't provide one with my laptop so I can run on legitimate OS again <_< woo -.-

2009-01-17 [Kuramasgirl]: Oh jeese. I had to take mine into the computer shop. xD I'm a bit computer illiterate when it comes to these sorts of things, and it turned out it was a good thing I did, because it was a virus that was going around and you had to install this program to get rid of it, since nothing else would. Thankfully I didn't lose anything, since we caught it in time...

2009-01-17 [Jitter]: I'm lucky cause I have a natural understanding for PCs xD I should have gone in the job but they seem cold :p

I usually google the problem I have backup and do w/e people suggest on IT forums. Works for me 99.9% of times :3

2009-01-18 [moira hawthorne]: [blu.nation] your wip looks good so far!

2009-01-19 [Iske]: whihiiiiiiiiiiiiii the first one... looking GOODDDDDDDD

i think I'll pass this one, no time enough te get started...

2009-01-19 [Kuramasgirl]: Aw, are you sure Iske? :c I haven't even set the deadline yet, and I'd try to give you plenty of time.

2009-01-19 [Aradon Templar]: My entry's being difficult. I thought I'd have it done by the end of this weekend, but no such luck :P

2009-01-19 [Kuramasgirl]: No worries. You have plenty of time. :)

2009-01-25 [Kuramasgirl]: Very nice Aradon. :D

2009-01-25 [Aradon Templar]: Thank you :)

2009-01-27 [SlightlySpiked]: wow, ive been gone a while!!! lol so how have you guys been??

2009-01-28 [Kuramasgirl]: These entries are so amazing, everyone. I don't know how in the world I'm going to choose this round. xD Keep it up! :) I'll have the deadline posted eventually. And maybe someday I'll make badges too. x_x;

Oh, and Jitter, I've actually seen one of Klimt's buildings in Austria. :3 I thought I recognized that style, lol.

And I've been good, but very very busy, Spiked. xD How about yourself?

2009-01-28 [Jitter]: Klimt is awesome :D I have The Kiss above my bed ^^

2009-01-28 [SlightlySpiked]: thats good. tired, tryin to reclass from computers to demolition.

2009-01-28 [Lady Ice]: my computer is working again, I'm trying to think of something to do... this is hard

2009-01-29 [Kuramasgirl]: I saw that one in a lot of souvenir shops in Vienna. I was tempted to get a small one, but I haven't any room to put it. xD

Computers to demolition? o.o

Challenging is good! :D Gets your brain working.

2009-02-02 [SlightlySpiked]: i dont have the attention span for computers, and demolition is so much more awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009-02-03 [Kuramasgirl]: Hah, alright. Understood. xD

2009-02-05 [Lady Ice]: noooo!!! not a deadline!!!

2009-02-05 [Kuramasgirl]: xD I have to put one up sometime!

2009-02-07 [Kuramasgirl]: That would be wonderful! :D I would love to see an entry from you, Artsie!

2009-02-12 [arthemis_]: Oh god, I hope I can find the time! :D

2009-02-13 [coldkiki]: (btw, i change my entry cause other one too yellow ._.) this okays?

2009-02-13 [coldkiki]: oh em geeee's....[Triola]'s is so pretty ._.  : )

2009-02-13 [Iske]: I took the easy way out... and made a photographe .Could not get the color gold right in my drawing.. " Chapeau " for those who can...

2009-02-13 [Triola]: Thank you, [coldkiki] :)

2009-02-14 [Kuramasgirl]: Well, your easy way out looks awesome, Iske. xD So don't worry about it. In fact, all of these look awesome. :D

2009-02-28 [moira hawthorne]: nice [MisLuck]

2009-03-01 [MisLuck]: Thank you, moira =). I'm jumping to the walls as I see only the errors in the make up, where's there is too much of it, uneven lines... aaargh :D

2009-03-01 [moira hawthorne]: you have got to be be kiddin? what lines?!?!

2009-03-01 [MisLuck]: Lower lip. The upper one is smooth and straight and lower lip is nothing like it... Oh well. Might also be the bad day. Our fridge said good bye and caused a flood. I should be reading to my exam and not mopping up.... :(

2009-03-02 [MisLuck]: Nice one! [Artsieladie] You could donate that to elftown images, it would be great e.g. in front page, if that'll change. 

2009-03-02 [Morningstar Rising]: Love it Sharon, I agree would look great as one of the elftown images.

2009-03-03 [Morningstar Rising]: I usually join it, but missed out this time. But I always advertist her contest on my page.

2009-03-05 [Kuramasgirl]: Sorry I'm late, guys!
Well...Extremely late, actually...I've just been insanely busy. Had [Zab] over for a few weeks, plus school work, and I just never seemed to get on ET or Photoshop in time to mess with the contest. o_o; Hopefully I'll get badges made soon, even if I have to take a photo (oh the horror. xD), but at least I can close it up officially now.
Sorry again!

2009-03-05 [Kuramasgirl]: xD I'm understanding that whole "never having enough time" thing a whole lot better lately.

2009-03-06 [Morningstar Rising]: to much to do, to little time, seems there are never enough hours in the day to do all we wish we could. LOL

2009-03-07 [FamousPanda]: Omg I didn't see that it was closed, I was about to enter a picture =[

2009-03-07 [Kuramasgirl]: :\ I closed it past the due date, even...Were you really intent on entering, though? Because if you were, I wouldn't mind putting it in. There aren't very many entries anyway.

2009-03-07 [Kuramasgirl]: lol, I don't normally like to do this, but I think you've said pretty much my train of thought. ^_^; Besides, I'm not ready to put the poll up, so it's not like it would be the end of the world. :3

2009-03-08 [FamousPanda]: Yes I was, I have the entry on my page and I can send it to you in a message, I will do that right now. =D thank you so much.

2009-03-09 [Kuramasgirl]: There you go Panda. :D

2009-03-09 [FamousPanda]: Thank you, I really really appreciate it.

2009-03-22 [FamousPanda]: Is the poll already being made?

2009-03-24 [Kuramasgirl]: No, I haven't managed to get the poll up. I'm hoping for some time this weekend. I am so utterly snowed under right now with homework and studying and such. I'm only grabbing a few minutes right now, and I probably shouldn't. :\ Sorry everybody. I know you've all been waiting for quite a while.

2009-03-26 [SlightlySpiked]: i love snow!!!!!!

2009-03-28 [Kuramasgirl]: Thank you Artsie! ^^ *hugs back* I think I've got stuff more under control for the moment. So, I got the poll up! :D Everybody go cast your votes. Good luck!

2009-03-29 [Kuramasgirl]: Thank you! :) That would be lovely.

2009-03-30 [Kuramasgirl]: Huzzah. :D

2009-04-09 [SlightlySpiked]: yay!!!!!!!!!!!

2009-04-17 [Kuramasgirl]: What would you guys think of the next color being grey? I know we've already done a grey and yellow contest, but this one could just be grey? Lemme know, or give me other suggestions. :3

2009-04-18 [FamousPanda]: That would be fine with me

2009-04-18 [moira hawthorne]: hummmm how about pearl... its a grey but a bit more unique?

2009-04-18 [coldkiki]: grey is one of my favorite colors ._. but pearl is pretty too. very unique.

2009-04-18 [Kuramasgirl]: Ooh, I like the way you're thinking, moira. :D Pearl is a pretty color...

2009-04-18 [Jitter]: I suggested pearl some months ago and you decided that it would be very difficult for painters iirc ;P

2009-04-18 [Kuramasgirl]: Did I? o.o; My memory's failing me...

2009-04-19 [moira hawthorne]: difficult doesnt mean it cant be done

2009-04-19 [moira hawthorne]: eventually we are gonna run out of distinctive colours...

2009-04-19 [Kuramasgirl]: Neverrrrr. >_>;
Actually, what will probably begin to happen are repeats of previous colors, except under different names. Such as scarlet for red. But not until every other strange color has been discovered and used. Keeping that in mind, I think it might be a good idea to try pearl now, though if others agree that it might be too difficult, we can always fall back on grey.

2009-04-19 [Jitter]: I'm game for pearl, I could use a challenge and I'm painting shells anyway some time this week :P

2009-04-30 [MisLuck]: congratulations blu.nation and Triola! ^^ Well done!

2009-04-30 [Iske]: congrats to the winners Well deserved

2009-04-30 [Easterling]: Congratulations to the winners! :D

2009-04-30 [coldkiki]: Very much deserved :)

2009-05-01 [Triola]: Miih, thanks :D

2009-05-01 [arthemis_]: Congratulations!
I hope I'll do better on the next color challenge! I'm soo addicted to this ;)
What about Brown for color?

2009-05-02 [Kuramasgirl]: Brown's an option. At the moment we're leaning towards either pearl or gray.

2009-05-02 [Aquariuscelesti a]: i like brown...of course grays good too....i tried, but i cant do pearl, lol, but if thats what yall go for, maybe ill attempt a photograph or something:P

2009-05-03 [arthemis_]: I'll vote for gray because pearl will be a HELL of a challenge :P

2009-05-03 [moira hawthorne]: but thats why its an awesome choice

2009-05-03 [Kuramasgirl]: I feel like I'm getting a very limited response in the choice of colors. >_>; I've got two for pearl, a couple who don't seem to mind which way it goes, and then for grey? Aren't there more people participating in this contest or am I going to end up with five entries for the next round? :\

2009-05-03 [Zab]: Sorry.. >_>

2009-05-03 [Triola]: I'm all for pearl :) Though whether I enter or not will be up to how busy I am with exams and whatnot

2009-05-03 [Kuramasgirl]: That's understandable, I just wanted some more input here. I'm busy myself. Lord knows when I'll actually get this next round up and started anyway, what with AP exams for the next two weeks.

xD And it's okay Zab.

2009-05-03 [Zab]: Maybe it can be good with a pause anway..

2009-05-04 [Aquariuscelesti a]: with zab....ap exams and senior activities and just plain old life....what if we take a 1 or 2 week break?

2009-05-04 [Kuramasgirl]: That's fine with me. Once my AP exams are over I should have more time, and I'm sure there are others with similar conflicts. I'll just leave these up for two weeks or so and then get it up and running again afterwards. :)

2009-05-04 [Aquariuscelesti a]: sounds like a pretty snazzi plan^_^

2009-05-07 [Iske]: Well if there is gonna be a pause, we should go for pearl, so we have more time to work it out. I have no idea how but that makes it fun no??

2009-05-08 [Kuramasgirl]: Seems like a good idea to me. By the way, now that my AP Euro exam is over I'll be around a little more. xD I'll still give everyone a break, but at least I won't be completely absentee.

Pearl's the next color! Go for it! Challenge yourselves! :O *cheers*

2009-05-08 [Aquariuscelesti a]: oooooooooooo....ap that was a fun class...and i hate learning history in school:p hope you do well on the exam!!!^_^

oooooooookie.....i shall pearls count? lol

2009-05-08 [Kuramasgirl]: xD Lucky for me I have a real love for European history or I would have never survived this class. It's a killer, with how much work there is. But I think I did all right. I'll just have to wait and see. :3 Thanks.

They do, but bonus points for if you don't just take a picture of some pearls. xD Creativity is key.

2009-05-08 [Aquariuscelesti a]: yup..huge workload-.- is that your first ap class? yea, im sure you did great then^_^

lol, yup, i shall attempt:p

2009-05-09 [Kuramasgirl]: Oh no, not at all. I've had AP Bio and AP US history, and I'm also taking AP English Lang/Comp right now (the exam's on Wednesday for that one, but it's not nearly so much studying and craziness...). I've done well in the others, so I'm hoping this'll be a good one too. xD Thanks again.

Hurray. :D

2009-05-09 [Aquariuscelesti a]: cool...yea, ive only taken 3 classes. i took ap euro 3 years ago, and am in ap bio and ap stats...i just took the stats exem on tuesday and will take the bio one on monday-.- *woohoo* lol

2009-05-09 [Kuramasgirl]: The bio's tough. I took it Freshman year and got a 5, though, so study enough and you'll do fine. :)
I'm not going to take stats. xD Can't stand that sort of math..I'll be taking AP Calculus, though. >>;

2009-05-09 [Aquariuscelesti a]: yea, hoping so. im majoring in biological sciences, sooooo..yea, i better do well xp friends in both stats and calc and she said the stats exam was MUCH harder than the calc was horrid>.<

2009-05-09 [Kuramasgirl]: That's what I hope to major in too. :D With a special emphasis on pre-vet.
Yeah, I've heard the stats one is pretty insane. >>

2009-05-09 [Aquariuscelesti a]: snazzi....yea, emphasis in human bio...~*future medical examiner*~ =p
yea, it is-.- *blah*

2009-05-10 [arthemis_]: Goes to work on her pearl picture :) You're evil Kuramasgirl :P for thinking of this absurd difficult colours ;) *just kidding you* Pearl is great!! *sort off...* but Great!

2009-05-10 [Easterling]: So the next colour will be pearl?

2009-05-10 [Aquariuscelesti a]: sounds like it^_^ good luck everyone, ol, i know ill need it, hahaha

2009-05-10 [Easterling]: Thankyou, Annette! :) I'll think about the theme, and then we'll see if there will come any ideas....

2009-05-11 [Kuramasgirl]: Yep, next color Pearl.

Muahahahaha! No whining, dearies. >D This is a challenge! It'll be good for stretching those creative minds of yours. Who knows, you might discover you are a genius with pearl. o.O

2009-05-11 [Zab]: *paints my evil horse in pearl colours* :D

2009-05-11 [Kuramasgirl]: Oh goodie. XD

2009-05-11 [moira hawthorne]: pearl paints... are coool to paint with... i have alot of irresdiant acrylic paints... but than photo/scannin it to show is were it becomes difficult

2009-06-05 [Kuramasgirl]: I'm out of school and ready for this contest to start up again! :D Let's go people!

2009-06-08 [Kuramasgirl]: ._. Anyone still here?

2009-06-08 [Aquariuscelesti a]: IM HERE!!! gonna attempt something...but i get outta school next ill see what i can do^_^

2009-06-08 [Kuramasgirl]: Whoo, one person. XD Thanks, Annette.

2009-06-08 [Aquariuscelesti a]: lol, no problemo=p

2009-06-09 [Aradon Templar]: I am still watching, however I don't know if my next image will classify as 'pearl' by any stretch of the word, sorry :P

2009-06-09 [Kuramasgirl]: Hurray! An entry! :D Thank you, moira.

2009-06-09 [moira hawthorne]: pearly enough hehehe

2009-06-15 [Lady Ice]: theres my entry. had to try it a few times because i forgot how to put it up.

2009-06-16 [Kuramasgirl]: Thank you, Lady Ice! :3

2009-06-16 [arthemis_]: Lol, I glanced at the deadline and I thought: 17??? I glanced at the date on my computer, I gasped, and then I saw the deadline was in July...

Silly me.

2009-06-16 [Kuramasgirl]: xD I'm not quite that cruel, no.

2009-06-20 [arthemis_]: Lolz :D

2009-07-09 [Kuramasgirl]: Anyone else planning on entering? o_o;

2009-07-09 [Zab]: Sorry..I want to but it has been busy.. :/

2009-07-09 [Kuramasgirl]: I know about what's been going on with you, Zab. xD You don't need to say anything.

2009-07-09 [Zab]: yup.. :3

2009-07-09 [Iske]: A big tumbs-up for Moira , I could not do anything else than just take a pearly picture. She made the pearldrop herself..Nice one tho Lady -Ice

2009-07-09 [moira hawthorne]: thx u.... well honestly I had 'help' with the 'manufacturing' of the pearl drop... there was an outside biological factor ..hehehehe

2009-07-09 [Kuramasgirl]: Even so, thank you Iske. :D It's a lovely entry.

2009-07-09 [Akayume]: I think I shall enter! :D I have a question though: can I add a border to my photo?

2009-07-09 [Kuramasgirl]: Oh hurray! :D And yes, you most certainly can.

2009-07-09 [Akayume]: Oke! I shall border my picture and then upload it. (:

2009-07-09 [Akayume]: Uploaded. (:

2009-07-09 [Kuramasgirl]: Great! :D Thank you!

2009-07-09 [Akayume]: You are welcome. (:

2009-07-10 [moira hawthorne]: hummm i wonder if anyone is gonna paint pearl... whether digitally or traditionally

2009-07-10 [Akayume]: I haven't painted in months.. I actually miss painting. :/

2009-07-10 [Iske]: I tried to paint something in pearl, With soms car-repair-paint but it did not came out the way I wanted it. You could not see it was pearl.

2009-07-10 [Aquariuscelesti a]: are we allowed to post more than one entry?? does anyone know?

2009-07-10 [Aquariuscelesti a]: ok then...well, im leaving in 5 hours for the rest of this month, so im gonna post the second entry, and if thats not ok, please take down the secon and leave "pearly night" in the contest......thank you!!!^_^

2009-07-10 [Iske]: Yes you can... but remember you will lower your chances .. but it is not the winning here that's important , it is the creativity .. so if you feel the urge to make more... Go for it girl

2009-07-10 [Aquariuscelesti a]: snazzi, thanz Iske^_^

2009-07-10 [Iske]: and if you read nr 5 from the rules, you 'll see you can even enter one more...

2009-07-10 [Kuramasgirl]: Thank you for answering her, Iske. :) And I'm going to assume you're going on a trip, Annette, so have a good one!

2009-07-10 [arthemis_]: Gosh, I really want to draw a picture, but hell, I hope I can find the time :)

2009-07-10 [Kuramasgirl]: No worries. :)

2009-07-11 [Kuramasgirl]: Whoo! Great entries, Jitter. :D

2009-07-11 [Jitter]: Thank you :3

2009-07-13 [arthemis_]: O WOW Jitter! How am I supposed to come up with something that will win the contest now :P

2009-07-13 [arthemis_]: [Aquariuscelesti a] and [~Valkyrie~] seem to have the same necklace... or is it the same person? :P *sorry for double posting*

2009-07-13 [~Valkyrie~]: [Aquariuscelesti a]and I are good friends. She was at my house and asked if she could use it, and I thought I'd enter too. Its really the only pearl we have access to.

2009-07-13 [arthemis_]: lolz :D Thought it would be something like that :D Would be a really really funny coincidence though if you two didn't know each other :P

2009-07-13 [~Valkyrie~]: It would be funny, but not likely. My boyfriend bought it in Spain two years ago. *smiles*

2009-07-14 [Jitter]: Sorry Arthe :P But it's participation that is important :)

2009-07-16 [SlightlySpiked]: im back!!!!

2009-07-17 [arthemis_]: Lolz, I KNOW, I have a great idea though, but so little time, so little time... Shoo... it's already the 17th, isn't it? *the horrorz*

2009-07-19 [SlightlySpiked]: lol whats your idea?

2009-07-19 [arthemis_]: Uhh, that ^^ *points upwards* Pearly Geisha with my kind of style :D

2009-07-20 [SlightlySpiked]: *looks up* nice!!!!

2009-07-21 [arthemis_]: Thank you very much :D

2009-07-22 [SlightlySpiked]: mmhmm ^^

2009-08-01 [Aquariuscelesti a]: home!! lol....
wow, nice entries everyone!!!

2009-08-01 [SlightlySpiked]: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

2009-08-01 [Kuramasgirl]: Hey everybody, I'm sorry it's taking me so long to wrap this one up. >_>; I'm going to Georgia tomorrow, and I'll be back either Friday or Saturday. I'll make sure to finish this round up ASAP as soon as I return. :)

2009-08-01 [Aquariuscelesti a]: okiez^_^ have fun!

2009-08-03 [Akayume]: Sounds good. (:

2009-08-03 [SlightlySpiked]: i used to b in georgia!! too humid for my liking. have fun woooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2009-08-08 [Kuramasgirl]: xD Georgia is not humid compared to Florida. Especially north Georgia, where we were. :3 And thanks!

2009-08-10 [Kuramasgirl]: I will eventually make badges, I promise. xD

2009-08-11 [SlightlySpiked]: ah lol anytime^^ yayness!!!!

2009-08-11 [hanhepi]: are there going to be more rounds? i think i could do something cool revolving around one color. :)

2009-08-11 [Kuramasgirl]: Oh yes, definitely. :) This is an ongoing contest.

2009-08-11 [hanhepi]: looked like it was an ongoing one, but there have already been so many colors used, i wasn't sure if there were still more to come. :)

2009-08-11 [Kuramasgirl]: xD We'll pick and choose colors for as long as we can, I think. They might get a bit obscure, but hopefully not impossible. I'm thinking the next one might be rainbow colors (as in use all of the colors of a rainbow), since it'll be the fifteenth edition of the contest. :)

2009-08-11 [Aquariuscelesti a]: that sounds pretty snazzi:) but youll have to define rainbow colors=p

2009-08-11 [Kuramasgirl]: As in, in your picture, you'll have to use red, orange, yellow, green, blue, (indigo, possibly, though it's not really part of it anymore...), and violet. :3 All the colors of the rainbow used in the same picture.

2009-08-12 [Akayume]: Ohhhh. Sounds fun! Gives me a reason to paint more. ^_~

2009-08-12 [Aquariuscelesti a]: sounds like fun!!! i am soooooo in!!=p

2009-08-12 [moira hawthorne]: I like rainbow... specially if we were to keep the correct order... not just have them all mis mashed thru out the image... than it could be just a normal full colour image

also we havent done brown? and than there is taupe/neutral or oatmeal/biege

2009-08-12 [Akayume]: Orrrr... Hmm... Mahogany? :D I (like how that sounds. X3) Or what about sea foam green?

2009-08-12 [Aquariuscelesti a]: lol, everyone has so many good excited, lol.....i just got back from vacation in hawaii and i got soooooo many pictures that could work with most of these=p

2009-08-12 [moira hawthorne]: [Kuramasgirl] you should put up a suggestion list just below the colours used so they dont get lost in comments

2009-08-12 [moira hawthorne]: Gun Metal Blue
Dusty Rose
Firefighter orange/Florescent Orange
Lime Green or Booger green

2009-08-12 [Akayume]: Strobe light blue? :O

2009-08-12 [SlightlySpiked]: XD

2009-08-12 [Jitter]: Brass or bronze! So I can get my arse and make steampunk artses

2009-08-12 [Kuramasgirl]: o_o Steampunk art would be so awesome...

Lemme just do this rainbow thing for the moment. xD It's been bugging me for a while.

And a suggestion list is a good idea. o.o Perhaps I should just make a separate page for that?

2009-08-12 [moira hawthorne]: could just put them below the rules... below this list...
Colors that have been used: blue, red, green, black, purple, orange, pink, yellow and grey, russet, white, teal, purple and green, and gold.

2009-08-12 [sweet.tx.tea]: Jitter, your entry made me lol inside because I have PCOS.

2009-08-12 [Jitter]: Thanks. SO have I but it makes me everything else but lol :(

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